Antoine Defoort & Julien Fournet

logo cheval

Allow me to give you an idea of the way the show will pan out by making a list of the resolutions made during its creation:

1st good resolution for the show: To deal with the way things bounce off each other, with real-life sounds and other stuff whilst remaining in a materiality one may describe at best as aesthetic or, at worst, as spectacular.
2nd good resolution: To have a stupendously fun time devising an ambitious technical set-up.
3rd good resolution: I stop constantly explaining everything like a maniac.
The 4th one.: I stop letting my head be wrecked by technical systems which go wrong all the time.
The 5th: My posture shall ideally spring from a sort of good-for-nothing yet relevant iconoclasm, which is careful to remain benevolent and even consensual.
6th good resolution: I shall persevere a little further on the technical side…
Number 7: I shall also aim for a certain consistency between the various phases of production, i.e. if there are general hoots of laughter on D-day then broadly speaking we’ll have had a pretty good laugh beforehand.

Project Management : L'AMICALE DE PRODUCTION

endorsed by / LA MALTERIE (LILLE)

booking and promotion : L'AMICALE DE PRODUCTION.

We dreamt up this show to be an abstract treaty on the art of the ricochet, featuring our attempts to get soft objects (ideas, concepts or stratagems) to bounce off hard surfaces (screens, guitars or our piano).

It occurred to us that CHEVAL was a good title not only because it’s a great title but also because it contains that very duality of the trivial and the majestic which we so cherish. Furthermore, it is highly practical to be able to speak about an artistic performance in the terms one uses to describe such a beast, to be able to find it headstrong or sickly, tiresome, capricious or as gentle as a lamb.

In order to instill a sense of drama, we mustered up some shamelessly moving pieces of music. Except that, in order to avoid being swept away by the over-dramatic, we became bent on torturing them, benevolently yet unscrupulously.

Written and produced by: Antoine Defoort and Julien Fournet

Sound design: François Breux

download the project's presentation with technical memo